Tuesday 16 November 2010

Article Research

For my interview I will be interviewing Coldplayer, meaning that I will have to come up with a series of questions to complete the interview. For my article research I am going to take the questions from Q magazine on Elvis Costello. There is a small introduction telling you about the artist and his background. The introduction flatters him by saying that he looks young for this age. The questions which were asked were sent in via email or message. The interview was based on what the fans wanted to hear.
The interview contains a main image, a drop quote. There are 5 separate images as well as the main image.

The questions that were asked were:

  • "Long as constable's truncheon". "enjoying the lay of the land", "try to jump you're borderd"; the lyrics of your new album, National Ransom, are littered with double entendres. Have you been indulging in your inner Carry On... film?

  • What do you miss about England, and what's the worst thing about living abroad?

  • As a rock star, it must have been easy getting other rock stars to guest on your TV chat show Spectacle: Elvis Costello With...?

  • There might be a vacancy for a "music and chat" show host at the BBC, now that Jonathon Ross has been let go. Do you fancy giving it a go?

  • Spectacular Spinning Songbook A good idea that got the audience going, or a disaster.

  • Your appearance on Frasier in 2003, where you talked in a cockney accent and sang Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport. What was with the Dick Van Dyke accent?Do you ever get the urge to dance the way you did in the video for [1980 Top 5 single] I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down? Because I love it...

  • My ex-wife used to call Almost Blue "sad git music". But I loved it. Who was right?

  • Was there anything that you really wanted to ask Bill Clinton when he was a guest on Spectacle, but couldn't, because, well, he's Bill Clinton?

  • You wrote a whole album, 1993's Now Ain't The Time For Your Tears, for Transvision Vamp's Wendy James. When was the last time you saw her?

  • What was more embarresing: your appearance on The Simpsons in 2002 or US sitcom Two And A Half Men in 2004?

  • Do you have fond memories of the demon heckler from your Brodsky Quartet gigat Glasgow Royal Concert Hall in 2009?

  • You've been known to queue outside record shops on the day albums are released. Are you saddened by the way music is all digital now?

  • I understand you're a big Ray Charles fan. So what's your favourite song by the great man?

  • I was upset and disappointed by your decision to cancel your recent shows in Israel [Costello called off two summer concerts in Caesarea in protest over Israeli treatment of Palestinian civilians]. Have you anything more to say to this?

  • What do you think of the film Napoleon Dynamite borrowing your pseudonym [Costello used the Napoleon Dynamite alias during teh mis- '80s]?

  • You've made too many albums. Which is your best one?

  • My parents named me after the song Alison. Does it bother you that your fans do this kind of thing or does it flatter you?

  • What's the worst thing you've ever done that you wouldn't want anyone to know about?

  • I now need to decide what questions I will be asking the band. For my interview I will be asking questions based on how the band formed, how long they've been together, how they feel during performances. The questions that I will be asking the band members are:

    1. So as a Coldplay tribute band, you must get a variety of different fans, how's it feel to know that you can perform songs known to everyone across the country?

    2. How long has the band been together?

    3. Can you remember your first gig, how did you feel?

    4. Where did you all meet, and how old where you when you decided to form the band?

    5. As a band, what is your favourite memory?

    6. Do you spend all your time together or do you have separate lives off the stage?

    7. Whats the most outrageous thing you've ever done on stage?

    8. Do you have a favourite venue to play at?

    9. Have you ever had any crazy fans?

    10. Do you get to decide what you wear for your gigs, or do you have a stylist?

    11. If you could present a television programme which one would it be?

    12. How would you describe your genre?

    13. What is your opinion on talent competitions like x factor?

    14. How do you promote yourself as a band, do you tweet?

    15. What are your opinion on self picked bands by producers?

    16. Does your home environment affect you as a band?

    17. Have you ever had any bad experiences on stage?

    18. How long do you hope to be together as a band?

    19. Do you receive fan mail? If so have you received anything outrageous?

    20. What type of jobs do you all have?

    21. Why didn't you become an original band instead of being a tribute band?

    22.Why did you chose to be a tribute band towards coldplay in relation to any other bands?

    23. Where is the band based?

    24. Whose the most demanding on tour?

    25. Have any of you see coldplay live, how many times?

    26. Would you not prefer to write original music, if so why haven't you?

    27. Would you like to this full time?

    28. What other tribute bands do you know of?

    29. Are you in it for the money or the passion?

    The link below shows an interview with The Killers discussing their music after they won an NME award in 2008.


    The link below shows an interview with Air Traffic talking about their type of music and how they made it successful.


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